交换机 Ultra 210 瓦
- (7 个) GbE PoE+ 输出端口
- (1 个) GbE PoE++ 输入端口*
- 原装交流适配器可输出 202 瓦 PoE 预算
紧凑型二层 8 端口 GbE PoE 交换机,安装方式灵活多样。附带 210 瓦原装交流适配器。
*本交换机支持 PoE 输入供电,需要 PoE+/PoE++ 或交流供电时方可提供 PoE 输出。
Are you sure?
If you are supplying your own HDDs, please ensure they meet Ubiquiti's general guidelines and aren't found on our list of incompatible models.

- (7 个) GbE PoE+ 输出端口
- (1 个) GbE PoE++ 输入端口*
- 原装交流适配器可输出 202 瓦 PoE 预算
紧凑型二层 8 端口 GbE PoE 交换机,安装方式灵活多样。附带 210 瓦原装交流适配器。
*本交换机支持 PoE 输入供电,需要 PoE+/PoE++ 或交流供电时方可提供 PoE 输出。
Actual storage space will be slightly lower due to RAID configuration for better data recovery. Find out more
Recorder will be unable to store any video.
Actual storage space will be slightly lower due to RAID configuration for better data recovery. Find out more